Sunday 26 April 2009

foundation stone - फाउंडेशन स्तोने

The foundation stone of the new Leith Town Hall and Library

The building of a new Leith Town Hall and Library was the fulfilment of a pledge given to Leith as a goodwill gesture by the Corporation of Edinburgh in 1920 at the time of the Leith-Edinburgh amalgamation.

At the ceremony to lay its foundation stone it was hailed as a 'consolation to the disappointed "diehards" of Leith', to the laughter of the assembled crowds present acknowledging the controversy that led up to this historic event.

Architect, Mr Bradshaw Gass, presented the Lord Provost, Sir Alexander Stevenson, with an engraved and inscribed trowel and mallet and the ceremony was performed by him declaring that the stone 'was well and truly laid', as reported in The Scotsman, 12 October 1929.

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